Elisabeth Marriner MSc
Individual, Couple and Psychosexual Therapist
Is your relationship in trouble?
Are important things going unsaid and resentments becoming unmanageable?
Are you worried that your fights are getting worse and are affecting your children?
Is sex now a thing of the past?
Are you single and spend more time looking after others rather than yourself? Is work your refuge and pressure to succeed has taken over? Or are you worried you cannot find the right partner?
I work from West London and specialise in helping individuals manage anxiety and recognise their own needs. I help distressed couples find ways to rebuild trust and restore intimacy.
I know asking for help is hard but therapy can help things get better.

Individual Psychotherapy
Are you feeling left behind, unable to move forwards and develop your potential?
Caught up in repetitive patterns of behaviour that leave you anxious and depressed?
I am trained and have many years' experience of helping individuals weighed down and troubled by their difficulties. The process of therapy is to develop ways for you to feel more in charge of the way forward and have a better understanding of how to cope with the inevitable bumps that life can present. -
Couples Therapy
I know asking for help is hard. Don't let things get worse. Therapy can help things get better.
"I wish we'd come earlier" is a phrase couples often say when they begin therapy. Realising that what both are bringing and feeling is of equal importance and value, comes as a relief...
I am a widely experienced, qualified couple psychotherapist and I spend my week working with couples
of all ages, sexualities, cultures and religious backgrounds.
Call me and find out how I can help you...
cope with loss, traumatic event, illness
handle blended/extended family struggles more effectively
manage difficulties with life stage transitions
prepare for marriage
address sexual difficulties
and much more...
Psychosexual Therapy
At every age and stage in the life cycle, sex and sexuality can become fraught with concerns. Difficulties with sex and sexuality, the most private aspect in our lives, can leave a trail of painful feelings.
I am qualified and experienced to help you and your partner rebuild trust and intimacy in your sexual relationship.
By talking sensitively about your sexual life and sexual problems we link these to other areas in your life such as past events, medical issues, emotional worries.
Sometimes sex therapy will involve taking tasks home to practice either individually or together.
All our work is done with utmost care, tailored to your particular needs and at a pace that suits you.
Having been part of a team of specialist psychosexual therapists at Tavistock Relationships, I now work in private practice working with individuals and couples on a weekly basis at a regular time.
I am a fully-accredited member of both the COSRT (College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists) and also the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy).
Click below to see how I can help......
About me
MSc Psychosexual Individual and Couple Therapy (UEL)
PG Diploma Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy WPF Kensington
PG Diploma Couple Counselling Tavistock Relationships (UEL)
Previous employment:
Special Needs Education 15 years (working with children aged 4-11 and their families)
Coordinator Young Persons Counselling Centre (working with adolescents aged 16-24)
Coordinator Counselling for Carers Project (working with carers of all ages)
This work has given me invaluable hands-on experience with children, families and young people.
Psychotherapy Private Practice 2003-
Visiting Clinician Tavistock Relationships 2013-2020
Professional Body Membership:
MBACP (Fully Accredited)
FPC (Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling)
Tavistock Alumni
COSRT (Fully Accredited))

Non-judgemental, engaging and warm. I have a wide range of clinical trainings and many years of experience working therapeutically with individuals and couples.
I offer regular, weekly therapy sessions on an ongoing or time limited basis, either face to face or online.
Referrals: self, GP and clinical colleagues
I also make ongoing referrals to range of colleague specialists known over the years (child, adolescent, psychiatric assessments, family therapists)